A common question we get here at Bed Bug Solutions is whether or not bed bugs lay eggs in your hair. The simple answer is no; bed bugs do not lay their eggs in your hair.

Bed bugs are small, parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are attracted to warmth and carbon dioxide, which is why they are often found in beds, as they can sense when a person is sleeping. Bed bugs are not known to transmit any diseases, but their bites can be painful and cause swelling and itching.

Bed bugs typically lay their eggs in cracks and crevices, such as in the seams of mattresses or behind baseboards. Female bed bugs can lay up to 500 eggs in their lifetime, and each egg is about the size of a speck of dust. Once hatched, nymphs (bed bug larvae) go through five molts before reaching adulthood.

Can you get bed bug eggs in your hair?

While bed bugs do not lay their eggs in your hair, they can sometimes be found in hair – usually close to the scalp where they can access exposed skin. Bed bugs are attracted to warmth and carbon dioxide (which we exhale), which is why they are most often found in beds – they can sense when a person is sleeping. However, bedbugs can also be found in other places where people congregate, such as movie theaters, airplanes, buses, and trains.

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How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

If you think you may have bedbugs, it’s important to act quickly to avoid an infestation. The best way to get rid of bedbugs is to contact a professional pest control company who will be able to assess the situation and provide treatment options. Do-it-yourself treatments are often ineffective and can make the problem worse.

While bedbugs do not lay their eggs in your hair, they can sometimes be found in hair – usually close to the scalp where they can access exposed skin. If you think you may have bedbugs, it’s important to act quickly to avoid an infestation by contacting a professional pest control company. Do-it-yourself treatments are often ineffective and can make the problem worse.

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