Did you know that orange ladybugs are not actually a type of ladybug? They are actually a type of Asian beetle that was introduced to North America in the 1990s. These beetles are a nuisance because they invade homes and gardens in large numbers. If you have orange ladybugs in your home, you may be wondering how to get rid of them. Read on to learn more about these pests and how to get rid of them.

What do Orange Ladybugs Look Like?

Orange ladybugs are small, oval-shaped beetles that are orange with black spots. They are about 1/4 inch long and 1/8 inch wide. These pests are often confused with ladybugs because of their similar coloring. However, there are some key differences between the two types of insects. For example, ladybugs have smooth wings while orange ladybugs have wing covers that look like they are studded with small bumps. In addition, orange ladybugs do not have the white “M” or “W” shape on their backs that most ladybugs have.

Where do Orange Ladybugs Come From?

Orange ladybugs are native to Asia but they were introduced to North America in the 1990s. It is thought that they were accidentally introduced when people were importing plants from Asia. These pests have since spread across the United States and can be found in most states east of the Mississippi River. Orange ladybugs typically become a problem in late summer or early fall when they begin looking for places to overwinter. They often enter homes through cracks and crevices in doors and windows or openings around utility pipes and wires. Once inside, they will spend the winter hiding in dark, secluded areas such as closets, basements, and attics.

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How Can I Get Rid of Orange Ladybugs?

If you have orange ladybugs in your home, you will want to get rid of them as soon as possible before they have a chance to lay eggs. These insects can lay up to 50 eggs at a time, so it is important to act quickly before their population gets out of control. Here are some tips for getting rid of orange ladybugs:

• Seal any cracks or openings around your doors and windows with caulk or weatherstripping. This will help keep them from getting into your home in the first place.

• Remove any existing infestations with a vacuum cleaner. Be sure to dispose of the bag immediately afterward so that the bugs don’t escape back into your home.

• Bring in a professional exterminator if you have a severe infestation. A professional will be able to identify the source of the infestation and properly treat your home so that the bugs are eliminated for good.


Orange ladybugs may be small, but they can cause big problems if they invade your home. These pests are often confused with ladybugs because of their similar coloring, but there are some key differences between the two types of insects. Orange ladybugs do not have the white “M” or “W” shape on their backs that most ladybugs have. In addition, orange ladybugs typically become a problem in late summer or early fall when they begin looking for places to overwinter inside homes. If you have these pests in your home, you will want to get rid of them as soon as possible before their population gets out of control by sealing cracks and openings around doors and windows, removing existing infestations with a vacuum cleaner, or bringing in a professional exterminator who can properly treat your home and eliminate the bugs for good.

Read Also  The Difference Between Ladybugs and Asian Lady Beetles

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