How To Keep Starlings Away

Starlings are small black birds with a wide wingspan and a formidable presence. Native to most of Europe, Asia, and northwestern Africa, these birds frequently travel in large flocks wherever there’s food. Starlings can cause a host of problems for people; they may bring debris into gardens or roost in buildings, creating an unsanitary mess. As if that weren’t enough, their sheer numbers can make them quite noisy and disruptive. Fortunately, with the right knowledge and some work, it is possible to keep starlings at bay.

If you’re looking for ways to keep starlings away, you’re in the right place. In this blog post, we’ll provide tips on how to deter and prevent starlings from causing problems in your home or garden. We’ll cover ways to identify the root cause of the starling issue, as well as various prevention and deterrent methods you can try. We’ll also discuss the option of seeking professional help if necessary. By following these tips, you can effectively and humanely keep starlings away from your property.

How To Keep Starlings Away

Determine The Root Cause

Determining the root cause of a starling problem is an important first step in figuring out how to keep them away. By understanding why the starlings are coming to your property in the first place, you can better target your prevention and deterrent efforts.

There are a few ways you can try to determine the root cause of your starling problem:

Observe the starlings’ behavior

Pay attention to when and where the starlings are appearing on your property. Are they coming at certain times of day? Do they seem to be attracted to certain areas or objects? This information can help you identify potential food sources or other attractive features that might be attracting the starlings.

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Identify attractive features

Look for any features on your property that might be attracting the starlings. This could include bird feeders, open garbage cans, water sources, or even structural features that the starlings might use for nesting.

Check for potential sources of food

Starlings will often come to an area if they can find an easy food source. This could include spilled seed from bird feeders, uncovered trash, or even worms and insects in your garden.

By understanding the root cause of your starling problem, you can take steps to remove or eliminate the attractive features and make your property less appealing to the birds. This will make it easier to keep starlings away in the future.

Prevention Methods

Prevention methods are an effective way to keep starlings away from your property by making the area less attractive to them. Here are some strategies you can try:

Remove or secure potential food sources

One of the main reasons why starlings might visit your property is to find an easy food source. By removing or securing potential food sources, you can make your property less appealing to the birds. This might include things like bird feeders, open garbage cans, and uncovered compost piles.

Seal any openings or holes in buildings

If starlings are using your buildings for nesting, sealing any openings or holes can help prevent them from accessing the inside. This might include sealing gaps around windows, doors, or vents, or installing mesh or other barriers to block their access.

Use physical barriers

Physical barriers can also be effective at preventing starlings from accessing certain areas of your property. This might include things like netting, spikes, or other structures that the birds can’t easily land on or pass through.

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By taking these prevention measures, you can make your property less attractive to starlings and reduce the likelihood that they will visit.

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If prevention methods alone aren’t enough to keep starlings away from your property, there are a variety of deterrents you can try. These methods are designed to make the area less appealing to the birds or to create a negative experience that will discourage them from returning.

Noise-making devices

Starlings, like many birds, are sensitive to loud noises and can be deterred by the sound of distress calls or alarms. There are a variety of noise-making devices on the market specifically designed to deter birds, such as sonic bird repellers or propane cannons. These devices can be activated manually or set on a timer to emit a loud, startling sound at regular intervals.

Visual deterrents

Starlings may also be deterred by visual stimuli, such as shiny objects or predator decoys. Hang shiny objects like CDs or metallic streamers in areas where the starlings are known to congregate, or place predator decoys (like owls or snakes) in the area to make them feel threatened.

Chemical repellents

There are also chemical repellents that can be used to keep starlings away, such as essential oils or sprays. These products can be sprayed in the area where the starlings are causing problems, and the strong smell may help deter them. Keep in mind that some chemical repellents may be harmful to plants or other wildlife, so it’s important to follow the instructions carefully and use them sparingly.

It’s worth noting that while these deterrents can be effective at keeping starlings away, they may not work for everyone and may need to be used in conjunction with other prevention methods. It may also be necessary to try a variety of deterrents to find the one that works best for your situation.

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Professional Help

If the prevention and deterrent methods mentioned above haven’t been successful in keeping starlings away from your property, you may want to consider hiring a professional to help with the problem. A professional bird control company will have experience and expertise in dealing with starling issues, and may be able to offer additional solutions or techniques that you haven’t tried.

When hiring a professional, it’s important to choose a reputable company that follows best practices and is licensed to work with birds. Here are a few tips for finding a reputable professional:

Check references

Ask the company for references from past clients and take the time to follow up and ask about their experience with the company.

Verify licensing

Make sure the company is licensed to work with birds in your state or province, as this is often required by law.

Ask about their methods

Find out what methods the company uses to deter or remove birds, and make sure they are humane and comply with local laws and regulations.

Get a written estimate

Before hiring a company, ask for a written estimate that outlines the scope of the work, the methods to be used, and the cost. This will help you understand what to expect and avoid any surprises.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you’re hiring a reputable professional who can effectively and humanely help you keep starlings away from your property.


In conclusion, if you’re looking for ways to keep starlings away from your property, there are a variety of prevention and deterrent methods you can try. These include removing or securing potential food sources, sealing openings or holes in buildings, using physical barriers, and using noise-making devices, visual deterrents, or chemical repellents. If these methods aren’t effective, you may want to consider hiring a professional bird control company to help with the problem.

It’s important to remember that while it’s natural to want to keep starlings away from your property, it’s also important to consider their welfare and to follow any local laws or regulations related to humanely deterring or removing birds. By following these guidelines, you can effectively and humanely keep starlings away from your property and prevent them from causing problems.

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