Homemade mosquito repellents are a great way to keep mosquitoes at bay without using any harsh chemicals. Not only are they effective, but they’re also cheap and easy to make! In this blog post, we’ll show you how to make four different kinds of mosquito repellents using ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen.

Lemon Eucalyptus Oil Mosquito Repellent

The first mosquito repellent on our list is lemon eucalyptus oil. This oil has been shown to be just as effective as DEET, making it a great natural alternative. To make this repellent, you’ll need:

-1/2 cup of water

-1/2 cup of witch hazel or vodka

-30 drops of lemon eucalyptus oil

-10 drops of vitamin E oil (optional)

-Empty spray bottle

Simply combine all of the ingredients in a bowl and funnel them into the spray bottle. Shake well before each use. This repellent will last for about 2 weeks when stored in a cool, dark place.

Citronella Candle Mosquito Repellent

This next repellent is one that you can make in just minutes using a citronella candle and some mason jars. All you need is:

-A citronella candle

-3-4 small mason jars

-A drill

Start by drilling holes into the lids of your mason jars. Then, place the jars upside down around the candle so that the holes are facing upward. Light the candle and enjoy your mosquito-free zone! This repellent will work for as long as the candle is burning.

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Vanilla Mosquito Repellent

Vanilla extract is another great thing to use for keeping mosquitoes away. It’s thought to mask the scents that mosquitoes use to find their victims, making it tough for them to track you down. To make this repellent, you’ll need:

-1 cup of water

-1 tablespoon of vanilla extract

-An empty spray bottle

Simply mix together the water and vanilla extract and funnel it into your spray bottle. Vanilla extract can start to lose its potency after about 2 weeks, so be sure to make a fresh batch every couple of weeks or so during mosquito season.

Garlic Mosquito Repellent

The last thing on our list is garlic mosquito repellent. While it may not smell amazing, it’s very effective at keeping mosquitoes away! For this repellent, you’ll need:

-1/2 cup of water

-1/2 cup of witch hazel or vodka

-10 cloves of garlic

-An empty spray bottle

First, peel and chop your garlic cloves and add them to a blender with the water. Blend until the garlic is finely minced then let the mixture sit for 30 minutes so that the garlic can infuse into the water. After 30 minutes have passed, add the witch hazel or vodka and funnel the mixture into your spray bottle. This repellent will last for about 2 weeks when stored in a cool, dark place—just be sure to give it a good shake before each use!


There are many different ways that you can make homemade mosquito repellents using things that you probably already have in your kitchen! In this blog post, we showed you how to make four different kinds including lemon eucalyptus oil repellent, citronella candle repellent, vanilla extract repellent, and garlic repellent. So what are you waiting for? Give one (or all!) of these recipes a try and enjoy being able to spend time outside again without being eaten alive by mosquitoes!

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