There are over 16,000 species of flies in the world – that’s a lot of different types of these pests! While all fly species share some similarities, there are also many differences among them. Two of the most common types of flies are house flies and fruit flies. Keep reading to learn about the key differences between these two pests.

Life Cycle & Size

One of the biggest differences between house flies and fruit flies is their life cycle. Houseflies have a very short life cycle and can go from an egg to an adult in as little as 7-10 days under the right conditions. Fruit flies, on the other hand, have a much longer life cycle, taking anywhere from 2 weeks to a month to reach adulthood.

Another big difference between these two types of flies is their size. House flies are much larger than fruit flies, with adults reaching lengths of up to 6-7 mm (about ¼ inch). Fruit fly adults only grow to be about 3-4 mm (or 1/8 inch) in length.

Habitat & Behaviour

House flies and fruit flies also differ in their preferred habitats and corresponding behaviors. As their name suggests, houseflies like to live indoors near humans where they can access food easily. They are often found in dirty areas such as kitchens and bathrooms, or near garbage cans and other sources of food waste. In contrast, fruit flies are attracted to sweet fruits and vegetables as well as fermented beverages – which is why you often see them near rotting produce or in beer bottles or wine glasses.

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Diet & Mouthparts

Another big difference between these two types of fly is their diet. Houseflies will pretty much eat anything, including decaying matter such as feces, garbage, and dead animals. Fruit flies, on the other hand, only eat soft fruits and vegetables or fermenting liquids. This difference in diet is due to the fact that houseflies have chewing mouthparts while fruit fly mouthparts are designed for sucking up liquids.


As you can see, there are many key differences between house flies and fruit flies – from their life cycles and size to their habitat preferences and diets. Now that you know more about these two types of pests, you’ll be able to identify them more easily if they invade your home – and take steps to get rid of them!

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