Flies and mosquitoes are both insects that can be found near bodies of water. They are both attracted to different things, but they do have some similarities. Keep reading to learn more about the relationship between flies and mosquitoes!

What do Flies and Mosquitoes Have in Common?

Both flies and mosquitoes go through four stages in their life cycle- egg, larva, pupa, and adult. In order to lay eggs, both kinds of insects need a source of water. Flies tend to congregate near trash cans, toilets, or decomposing animals, while mosquitoes look for stagnant water like ponds or marshes.Both flies and mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide, which is why you often see them near your mouth when you exhale. They can also sense movement from up to 25 feet away!

How are Flies and Mosquitoes Different?

Flies primarily feed on liquid or semi liquid food, while mosquitoes feed off of blood. To get to their food source, flies use their spongelike mouths to soak up whatever they’re eating. On the other hand, mosquitoes pierce their victims with needle like mouths to get to the blood vessels just beneath the surface of the skin. While both insects can carry diseases, mosquitoes are much more likely to transmit harmful viruses like Zika or West Nile because of the way they feed.


Flies and mosquitoes might seem similar at first glance, but upon closer inspection it is clear that these two insects have a lot of differences! Understanding these distinctions can help you avoid getting bitten by a mosquito or having one land on your next meal.

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